The BBC's Top Gear is perhaps the most well-recognized and widely-watched motoring program on earth, and the series' dependence on a hired gun that plies the world's best supercars at the show's test track is equally well-known. That driver's identity has been a closely guarded secret of the show, however - until today.
According to the latest reports from the UK's The Daily Telegraph, the secretive 'tame racing driver' that dresses in a white racing suit and helmet for the BBC's Top Gear television program has been outed as racing driver and Bristol, UK resident, Ben Collins.
Collins has previously denied being The Stig, though his name has come up on several occasions in association with the character. Rumors of a clause in The Stig's contract that requires immediate termination from the Top Gear show upon exposure of his true identity could explain the public denials, however.
According to the reports Collins' identity as The Stig has been an 'open secret' for some time now, and was finally broken to the public thanks to the newspaper's decision to part from the honor-code that had kept the identity secret.
A previous Stig, now known as the Black Stig, preceded the new, white-clad version, but was killed of from the show upon the revelation of his identity as former British Formula 1 driver Perry McCarthy. It's not yet known if the current Stig will now face a similar fate, or what sort of Stig might replace him.
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